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Oceans and Environment 

Preserving Our Oceans and Environment. Every Moment Counts Join us at 2024 conferences, events and workshops

Urgency is paramount as we grapple with the multifaceted challenges impacting the ocean, the environment, and the Earth.

Our mission at Oceans and Environment is dedicated to nurturing a well-informed and connected community encompassing Marine Scientists, Fishing Managers, Marine Engineers, Harbour Masters, Fisheries Managers, Environmental Scientists and Consultants, Port Authorities, Incident Controllers, Superintendents, and more.


Our primary objective is to ensure that this Network remains updated, connected, informed, and educated on the latest developments in Ocean Marine legislation, climate change impacts on the ocean and environment, and all updates influencing the structure and operations of the marine environment.

This commitment is particularly crucial to supporting the growing ocean economy essential to Australia.



As part of our dedication, Oceans and Environment hosts conferences, seminars, and workshops throughout the year with programs designed to keep everyone well-informed about changes, innovations, and critical issues, empowering individuals to contribute to positive change through learning, collaboration, and voicing their concerns.

Together, we aspire to build a community actively engaged in safeguarding our oceans and advancing a sustainable and thriving marine environment.

Conferences Events Seminars 

& Workshops 

As the planet’s greatest carbon sink, the ocean absorbs excess heat and energy released from rising greenhouse gas emissions trapped in the Earth’s system. Today, the ocean has absorbed about 90 percent of the heat generated by rising emissions. These changes ultimately cause a lasting impact on marine biodiversity, and the lives and livelihoods of coastal communities and beyond - including around 680 million people living in low-lying coastal areas, almost 2 billion who live in half of the world’s megacities that are coastal, nearly half of the world’s population (3.3 billion) that depends on fish for protein, and almost 60 million people who work in fisheries and the aquaculture sector worldwide. ​Oceans and Environment will be hosting several Seminars on this topic, included in our our Annual Australian Conference.

Climate change impacts on our oceans 

Environmental best practices in Australia for scientists and marine personnel revolve around the conservation and sustainable management of marine ecosystems.

Oceans and Environment's key areas of focus for workshops, conference programs and events include Biodiversity Conservation, Ecosystem Health, Climate Change Resilience, Waste Management and Pollution Prevention, Sustainable Fisheries, Community Engagement,  Emergency Response and Preparedness

Environmental Best Practice

Conferences Events Seminars and Workshops 


Maritime boundaries

Coastal waters limits 

Treaties, Oil and Gas, Fisheries, Environment, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Custom Port Limits, Offshore mineral leases and more 

Australian Ocean Governance and Relevant Legislation

During oil spill emergencies, employers should be prepared to protect emergency response recovery, and cleanup workers from health and safety hazards. Oceans and Environment hosts several workshops throughout the year on Oil Spill Incident response 

Environmental Incident and Emergency Response Strategy

Thousands of incidents occur each year in which HAZMATs are released into the environment as a result of accidents or natural disasters. In addition to potentially harming people and the environment, spills in coastal waters may cause substantial disruption of marine transportation with potential widespread economic impacts. Both coastal and inland spills are called HAZMAT incidents, and are routinely addressed by first responders like firefighters and local law enforcement.


Marine debris comes from both land and sea-based sources and can travel immense distances. It can pose a navigation hazard, smother coral reefs, transport invasive species and negatively affect tourism. It also injures and kills wildlife, has the potential to transport chemical contaminants, and may pose a threat to human health.

The impact of marine pollution on sea animals in Australia is a major issue. With the trillion pieces of plastic such as plastic bags, plastic bottles and other single-use plastics growing each year, marine life is in constant harm.

Waste Management 

Climate change is the biggest threat for the Great Barrier Reef, and reefs worldwide. Other key threats include poor water quality, fishing impacts on protected and threatened species, marine debris and crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks.

The Australian Government is taking increased action on climate change and investing in initiatives to protect and build the resilience of the Reef.

The Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan guides our actions to restore and protect the Reef.

The Great Barrier Reef 

Innovative solutions Research

Partnering to support sustainable oceans and livelihoods

Robotics in Ocean Exploration

Oil Spills and Emergency Preparedness

Satellite Imagery 

Research Marine Parks 

View our Industry Partner, Mines and Environment for upcoming Mining Events below 


Global mass bleaching

Last year Caribbean reefs experienced historically high marine heat stress and much earlier (around 1 to 2 months) than previous records of hot spells.

This impacted multiple places including Florida in the United States where an unprecedented heat event hit coral reefs, according to the country's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

There are indications these conditions could now shift to the Indo-Pacific in 2024.

See here for more 

Responding to offshore oil incidents and working together to protect oceans and the environment involve a combination of preventive measures, preparedness, and effective response strategies.

These include prevention and preparedness, early detection and monitoring, oil spill containment and cleanup, wildlife protection, community engagement. Collaboration between governments, industries, NGOs, and communities is essential for achieving sustainable practices and safeguarding marine ecosystems. Our workshops will training in these areas. 

Offshore Oil Response 

Waste management and water pollution are significant environmental concerns in Australian oceans, posing threats to marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and human health. Addressing waste management and water pollution in Australian oceans requires a coordinated effort involving government agencies, communities, industries, and researchers to implement sustainable practices and policies that protect the marine environment for future generations.

Subscribe for workshops and seminars on these matters. 

Waste Management Water Pollution 

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